Distinguished members, friends, representatives of organizations, and esteemed supporters came together to celebrate the 30th anniversary of WISTA Hellas. Together, they lit the candles alongside the past Presidents in a festive atmosphere at the 30 Years Anniversary Gala & Award Ceremony held on Monday, 4th December 2023, at Divani Apollon Thalasso & Spa.

All past presidents—Popi Giannopoulou, Eleni Vogli, Charis Kiosseoglou, Vicky Roussou, Vera Chalkidi, Maria Christina Ktistaki, Anna-Maria Monogioudi, Rea Mitropoulou, Angie Hartman, and Elpi Petraki—were honored with a video presented at the beginning of the evening, which captured their memories and experiences during the significant milestones of WISTA Hellas and the achievements made in collaboration with each board of directors.

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