Sunday, 5th June 2022: WISTA Hellas at the Posidonia Running EventTuesday, 7th June 2022: WISTA Hellas Posidonia Cocktail ReceptionWednesday, 8th June: WISTA Hellas Panel Discussion Event on “Women at Sea”
Sunday, 5th June 2022: WISTA Hellas at the Posidonia Running EventTuesday, 7th June 2022: WISTA Hellas Posidonia Cocktail ReceptionWednesday, 8th June: WISTA Hellas Panel Discussion Event on “Women at Sea”
WISTA Hellas is a non-profit association, established in Greece in 1993 for women at management level in the maritime, trade and logistics sectors
Dragatsi 2-4, Piraeus, 18535 Greece
+30 210 4224370
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