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WISTA Hellas September Gathering

This month brings our September Members' gathering that is always an excellent opportunity for all of us to reconnect, catch up with each others’ news and strengthen the bonds within

WISTA Hellas joins HELMEPA Mega Beach Cleanup

We are thrilled to announce that WISTA Hellas joins the upcoming Mega Beach Cleanup, a collective effort to make a significant positive impact on our marine environment.   Date: Friday,

WISTA Hellas November Gathering

Stay tuned for the upcoming Members Gathering on the 22nd November, at the premises of the WEST P&I that is kindly hosting the event and holding a panel discussion on

WISTA Hellas April Members Gathering

Dear Members, We are pleased to invite you to attend a WISTA Hellas panel discussion: "Green Recycling Gathers Momentum" in collaboration with GMS Leadership, Hill Dickinson International, Piraeus office and

WISTA Hellas Posidonia 2024 Events_SAVE THE DATES

Save the Dates WISTA Hellas is thrilled to announce our participation in Posidonia 2024! Join us for a series of exciting events:   June 2, 2024, Piraeus: Posidonia Running Event

Εθελοντικός Καθαρισμός Παραλίας Σχοινιά Κυριακή 24/11/2024, 11:30-13:00

Αγαπητά μέλη, Στο πλαίσιο του Παγκόσμιου Εθελοντικού Καθαρισμού Ακτών που συντονίζει η Ελληνική Ένωση Προστασίας Θαλάσσιου Περιβάλλοντος – HELMEPA, σας υπενθυμίζουμε ότι προσκαλούμε μικρούς και μεγάλους να συμμετάσχετε στον εθελοντικό

WISTA Hellas November Members’ Gathering

Dear Members, We are pleased to invite you to attend the WISTA Hellas panel discussion: "Beyond the Profile: Professional Growth through Social Media". Join us as our WISTA Hellas members

WISTA Hellas Gala Dinner & Award Ceremony 2024

The President and the Board of Directors of WISTA Hellas cordially invite you to the WISTA Hellas Gala Dinner & Award Ceremony on Monday, 9th December 2024 at 19:30 pm

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