Members March Gathering 2022
Members March Gathering 2022
The BoD of WISTA Hellas invites its members at Piraeus Marine Club, on Tuesday, 1st March , at 6.30 pm for a Members gathering.During the gathering, a short discussion will
The BoD of WISTA Hellas invites its members at Piraeus Marine Club, on Tuesday, 1st March , at 6.30 pm for a Members gathering.During the gathering, a short discussion will
According to articles 17 and 19 of the WISTA Hellas Articles of Association, WISTA Hellas invite its members to the 27th Annual General Meeting & Elections, on Wednesday, 23th March
Το ΔΣ της WISTA Hellas καλεί τα μέλη της στην 27η Τακτική Γενική Συνέλευση & τη διενέργεια αρχαιρεσιών, σύμφωνα με τις διατάξεις των άρθρων 17 και 19 του Καταστατικού, την