Sunday, 5th June 2022: WISTA Hellas at the Posidonia Running EventTuesday, 7th June 2022: WISTA Hellas Posidonia Cocktail ReceptionWednesday, 8th June: WISTA Hellas Panel Discussion Event on “Women at Sea”
Sunday, 5th June 2022: WISTA Hellas at the Posidonia Running EventTuesday, 7th June 2022: WISTA Hellas Posidonia Cocktail ReceptionWednesday, 8th June: WISTA Hellas Panel Discussion Event on “Women at Sea”
On the occasion of the Posidonia 2022 exhibition, WISTA Hellas will host a Cocktail Reception, on Tuesday, 7 June, 2022. Details to follow in due course.
On the occasion of the Posidonia 2022 exhibition, WISTA Hellas will host a Panel Discussion Event on “Women at Sea” at the Posidonia Seminar Room 1A (Metropolitan Expo Center) on Wednesday, 8th
Join us at Posidonia on Wednesday 8 June for the WISTA Hellas Women at Sea Seminar. Listen to industry stakeholders sharing their views and experience as we look at how