Our membership base currently exceeds
550 members, all holding key positions
in their organizations and being influential
decision makers within the Greek
maritime industry

How to Become a WISTA Hellas Member

To become a full member of WISTA Hellas you should meet the following minimum membership requirements:

  1. Minimum 4 years of professional experience at a managerial level within the Shipping, Trade and Logistics industries
  2. Minimum 25 years of age

If the above-mentioned requirements are not met, you may still apply to become an associate member. As an associate member you will have no voting rights, but you will be able to attend all our events, interact with all members and receive our communications. Once both minimum requirements are met, you will be granted a full membership.

Interest Form

If you are interested to become a member of WISTA Hellas, please submit the following
form and we will reach you the soonest possible

Personal and Professional Information


Career Information

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.