WISTA Hellas 1st online interactive Meeting, for members only, took place with great success on Holy Monday, 13th, April at Zoom platform with Ms. Iris Baloglou, Executive Coach, Mentor & Business Consultant, PCC, CMC, BA., presenting the theme: “We remain united and support ourselves and each other”.

In this interactive seminar, we had the opportunity to share thoughts and concerns about how the new situation affects us on a personal as well as professional level and to learn tips for better collaboration with our team, ways to increase our strength and resilience to shield ourselves and our family from the changes we face. 40 Members of WISTA Hellas who took part in the e-meeting – even from New York – asked many interesting questions and commented positively on this initiative, which offered us all a sense of normalcy, so necessary today that everything has been overturned. Some of the comments and thoughts mentioned, which we keep as food for thought: 1) We may be alone but not isolated, 2) We utilize our free time and express our best self, and 3) When the crisis is over, let us return wiser in the ways we protect the natural environment, we choose our leaders and we set our priorities.