On 9th December 2024, the WISTA Hellas Gala Dinner & Awards Ceremony brought together members, supporters, and industry leaders for a night dedicated to excellence, inclusion, and fostering a future of opportunities for all.

Watch the video of the highlights of the Evening:

Ms. Semiramis Paliou, recipient of the Leadership Award, recognized for her impactful roles in shipping through Diana Shipping Inc., her dedication to marine environment protection as President of HELMEPA – Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association and INTERMEPA and her commitment to actively pursuing and supporting diversity and the empowerment of women throughout her career,

– Rodiani Giagkidou, Vice Commander, and Katerina Xanthou, Lieutenant of the Hellenic Coast Guard, celebrated for their outstanding contributions to the Coast Guard, acting as role models for young women.

The evening was more than an awards ceremony; it was a celebration of the values and commitment that drive our mission, a warm exchange of wishes for the festive season, and a reflection on the vital role WISTA Hellas plays in the Greek shipping industry.

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